Common Python/Machine Learning problems
02 Nov 2018Introduction
In this post I decided to put on some tips and tricks and some hotfixes that I encounter while developing Neural Networks/Machine Learning projects. Most of these problems are easy to fix but a headache while working!
sparse_softmax_cross_entropy’s loss is NaN, what’s going on?
When sparse_softmax_cross_entropy’s loss is nan or going up, you’d have to use a lower learning rate. This NaN is due to the fact that your loss is going really up. an example is shown below, CIFAR-10 dataset with CNN and 2 layer FC:
Iter 0, Loss= 22932.830078, Training Accuracy= 0.13000
Iter 0, Loss= 5908024.500000, Training Accuracy= 0.12000
Iter 0, Loss= 128835657728.000000, Training Accuracy= 0.18000
Iter 0, Loss= 16028694803369689088.000000, Training Accuracy= 0.12000
Iter 0, Loss= 392477918453616813397006876672.000000, Training Accuracy= 0.13000
Iter 0, Loss= nan, Training Accuracy= 0.06000
Iter 0, Loss= nan, Training Accuracy= 0.15000
Iter 0, Loss= nan, Training Accuracy= 0.13000
Data generator only returns same value
This might be the case that everytime you are calling the data generator you are calling the function itself:
def mygen():
for i in range(5):
yield i
Everytime you run next(mygen())
you will see the first item generated. What you have to do is to put mygen() into a variable and then call that variable.
>def mygen():
> for i in range(5):
> yield i
>gen = mygen()
Out[16]: 0
Out[17]: 1
Out[18]: 2
Out[19]: 3
Out[20]: 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 2961, in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
File "<ipython-input-21-6e72e47198db>", line 1, in <module>
Keras output layer shape error
Error when checking model target: expected
This error most times is due to the fact that the output layer expects data to be categorical one-hot vectors. For instance use: Keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical
Regularization in RNNs
Using regularization in RNNs is not that common and mostly you’ll get worse results (according to Andrej Karpathy in cs231n)
Keras fit_generator
It always accepts a tuple:
- a tuple (inputs, labels)
- a tuple (inputs, labels, sample_weights).